Dear Avie,
My heart yearns for you every day.
We are still in paradise enjoying the sun along with its salty air. My mind and my body have started to heal a little.
I’m afraid that once we return to the dark cold winter in Alaska my body will begin to revert back to its original state. I know that you won’t let that happen to me. I can feel you next to me, and that alone has allowed me to breathe a little more easily.
Today I am going to bottle up some sand for you. I hope that in heaven there is a never ending amount of sand for you to play with.
I will always be able to bring back the memory of the way you smiled. You have an infectious beautiful smile that could light up any room, attracting many people to you. I always asked myself how could a two year old girl be soo beautiful inside and out.
I just knew that you were going to do great things.
I had many things that I wanted to teach you.
I had always said that I never wanted you to grow up, that I wanted you to stay a baby forever. I feel bad now for saying that because now you really will be a baby forever, you never got to grow older than two and a half.
You came into this world for a purpose and you fulfilled it in only a few years. Most people don’t get a chance to fulfill anything in their lifetime here on earth.
You’re among the stars and the moon now. You’re sitting on Gods lap, running and playing, jumping around with that beautiful face and that beautiful smile of yours. Even in heaven you are touching people’s life.
Sweet sweet baby girl until I see you again.
Xoxo- Mommy