Dear Avie,
My sweet apple of my eye Avie Mae you have been on my mind today as always.
Your presence is all around me.
I feel as though you are what’s holding me together. You’re a huge part of me, you’ve made me into the person that I have now become.
Please help me to help others who are also in need. Continue to guide my feet while pushing me in the right direction. Help me to be able to bring hope and joy as well as love to those around me.
Continue to give me strength to climb this mountain that seems impossible to climb.
When my knees give out give me strength to keep on pushing, help me to stand back up.
Sadness is calling for me, but I’m trying to ignore it. Pushing this sadness aside and letting the light in.
Darkness is always trying to push its way through, but you’re the light that makes the darkness fade away.